Part online - part in house training
120.00 euro
Practitioner Level is where you can get insurance, practice on the general public and charge for your services.
What is Holistic Therapy, Codes of conduct and Ethics, Crystal Healing, History of Crystal Healing
How does crystal healing work, choosing crystals and cleansing crystals, which crystals to use,
Programming your crystals, Methods of Crystal Healing, Laying on of Crystals, Chakras, Crystal Dowsing
The human Aura, Meditation and attunement, Crystal Elixir, Crystal Layouts, Anatomy,physiology and listening skills
First Aid, Case studies, Properties of Crystals, Certification
This course also includes a 3 ebooks one is a complete Crystal Directory, and the other is The secrets & Powers of Crystals & Gemstones.& Healing with crystals. and the ultimate crystal healing guide
Hands on Practice. Diploma in Crystal Healing.
Price does not include Vat 24%