Pellowah healing workshop facilitated by Giampietro & Jade Pascasi
for the first time in europe
Saturday 30th september 10am - 5pm
sunday 1st october 10am - 5pm
Price for both levels 1 & 2 only 375.00 euros
Price includes light refreshments - please bring your own vegetarian lunch
(Level1)-Become a practitioner 195 euros
(Level2)-Expand Consciousness/Spiritual wisdom 185 euros
dont miss this fantastic opportunity, be amongst the first practitioners in Greece.
please contact us via the contact for if you are interested, limited spaces.
Are you looking forward to contributing to other people's lives by
becoming a qualified practitioner and connecting to your higher self,
expanding your consciousness and fulfilling your life's purpose!?
Then do not miss this chance!
Subscribe to this Pellowah Course Level 1 & 2!
Pellowah is one of the newest forms of energy healings.
What are some of the benefits of Pellowah?
- Enhance your connection with your higher self
- Enhance meditative abilities
- Cleans meridians in the energetic body
- Strengthens chakras allowing them to align and spin in the right
- Expand, clean and help protect your auric field
- Allows for more positive to happen increasing receptivity and
attraction of it
- Clear negativities
- Helps realigning the three bodies: Physical, emotional and spiritual
- Helps maintaining balance
- Increase the personal power favouring the flow of energy
throughout the body enhancing any other healing ability
- Help with the connection and transmission of energy enhancing
skills in other healing modalities
- Connect to the light body and activate it allowing to have clearer
vision of this reality and allows to move to explore alternatives
- Allows information to flow therefore promoting change
- Enhance intuition
- Allows comfort and vitality due to its higher frequency nature
- Connect the 12 strands of DNA ready for activation
- Expands consciousness
Some Testimonials from Students:
“I would recommend the course not only to other healers but also to
anyone interested in increasing their personal spiritual development.
Because sitting in that energy and the enlightenment it gives you
highlights how much the source has to offer us if we just trust to
allow that within us.” - Wendy, United Kingdom
“Great teaching style from Giampietro and Jade, love both of your
energies working together. Loved the humorous part of the course –
makes it alive and happy! Even if you don’t think of practising it, it’s
wonderful to expand your conciousness, see yourself differently,
understand the current changes in the world and what part we play
in it each of us and how we can help to make the change. It’s great
for personal growth!
As a practitioner I find it a very delicate energy healing and great to
work with." - Anna, United Kingdom
An angelic word; Pellowah means “radical shift in consciousness”
and represents the channeling of higher energy within the recipient,
through the practitioner. For example, the energies involved in Reiki
are generally more “earthy”, whilst the vibrations invoked by
Pellowah are “lighter & finer”. Working principally on the mind &
spirit rather than the body; Pellowah imbues a shift within the
recipient’s framework, helping heal and alleviate buried, past or
present conditions. Individuals that have undergone a Pellowah
healing session have varying accounts of feelings and insights on their
experience; including but not limited to visionary dreaming states,
conscious thoughts and deep sleeping. However, the universal
affection is the feeling of having been pulled apart and pieced
together again, with a regenerative & energetic spirit emanating
from their centre.
Developed to help Reiki masters in their spiritual journey, Pellowah
has now become a healing practice on its own or it can also be used in
support of Acupuncture and Crystal Healing. At this current point in
time, it is relatively unknown in Europe, as it is still a budding
practice in Australia itself.
Like all the spiritual and energy practices that have come before it,
Pellowah has been a profound influence on my physical,
physiological & spiritual wellbeing. My hope is to bring this
revolutionary technique to those interested in expanding their own
possibilities & overcoming their inner trauma to bring forth peace &
enlightenment in their lives.
This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for
It also unblocks and realigns all meridians within the body, giving a
feeling of connection and well-being. As the name suggests, it also
results in a radical shift in consciousness. When operating with the
Pellowah energy, a practitioner works on the auric field, enabling the
meridians and centers to realign therefore opening the possibility to
growth and change.
In most forms of healing, subsequent results of the change and
growth can be cathartic as old frameworks are broken down to
create new ones. This is not the case with Pellowah. The growth and
change brought about by Pellowah can help a person build on their
old frameworks without the trauma. Through this form of healing
the client becomes less involved in other people’s lives.
They have a new perspective, therefore making better choices.
Pellowah expands consciousness, helping them to become more
objective. The shift with Pellowah happens from the inside out as
Pellowah activates you so you generate or rediscover the light from
This is an energetic technique which can be used to heal plants, pets
and one another from both near and distance (absent healing).
Although a Pellowah treatment is totally client focussed, this means
the practitioner doesn't receive any particular benefit from Pellowah
itself, the healing, for the practitioner to be, happens during the
course due to the type of work with meditations, symbols and the
deep attunements (Activations) that take place between the 2 days.
So regardless if you are looking to become a pratitioner or you are
simply looking forward to expanding your consciousness and be
realigned with your higher self in order to complete the mission you
have set for yourself in this life experience come and join us in this
phenomenal, fun and enriching experience!
Course details:
Saturday 30th September at 10:00 to 17:00 (Level 1) - First
attunment/activation which allows you the possibility to become a
Pellowah Practitioner!
Sunday 1st October at 10:00 to 17:00 (Level 2) - Second
attunment/activation which expands Consciousness/Spiritual
Wisdom collaborating with Symbols & Meditations.
Investment: Level 1 & 2 = €375
Early Bird offers – 325 euros if pay in full by the end of July.
350 Euros if you pay 150,00 Euros deposit by the end of July.
Included with the course:
- Diploma & registration as a Pellowah Practitioner
- Workshop manual for Level 1 & 2
- Post course: 21 Day E-course exercise & practice
Light refreshments will be provided - Please bring your own vegetarian lunch.
For more details do not hesitate to contact us by email
[email protected] or phone Giampietro +44 7848 293224.
Please visit our website for more information.
Or contact Sharon Sands at [email protected] or
Do not miss this occasion to expand your consciousness and to be
able to contribute positively and effectively to other people's life
Please feel free to forward this event to any friends whom this might
be beneficial for.
becoming a qualified practitioner and connecting to your higher self,
expanding your consciousness and fulfilling your life's purpose!?
Then do not miss this chance!
Subscribe to this Pellowah Course Level 1 & 2!
Pellowah is one of the newest forms of energy healings.
What are some of the benefits of Pellowah?
- Enhance your connection with your higher self
- Enhance meditative abilities
- Cleans meridians in the energetic body
- Strengthens chakras allowing them to align and spin in the right
- Expand, clean and help protect your auric field
- Allows for more positive to happen increasing receptivity and
attraction of it
- Clear negativities
- Helps realigning the three bodies: Physical, emotional and spiritual
- Helps maintaining balance
- Increase the personal power favouring the flow of energy
throughout the body enhancing any other healing ability
- Help with the connection and transmission of energy enhancing
skills in other healing modalities
- Connect to the light body and activate it allowing to have clearer
vision of this reality and allows to move to explore alternatives
- Allows information to flow therefore promoting change
- Enhance intuition
- Allows comfort and vitality due to its higher frequency nature
- Connect the 12 strands of DNA ready for activation
- Expands consciousness
Some Testimonials from Students:
“I would recommend the course not only to other healers but also to
anyone interested in increasing their personal spiritual development.
Because sitting in that energy and the enlightenment it gives you
highlights how much the source has to offer us if we just trust to
allow that within us.” - Wendy, United Kingdom
“Great teaching style from Giampietro and Jade, love both of your
energies working together. Loved the humorous part of the course –
makes it alive and happy! Even if you don’t think of practising it, it’s
wonderful to expand your conciousness, see yourself differently,
understand the current changes in the world and what part we play
in it each of us and how we can help to make the change. It’s great
for personal growth!
As a practitioner I find it a very delicate energy healing and great to
work with." - Anna, United Kingdom
An angelic word; Pellowah means “radical shift in consciousness”
and represents the channeling of higher energy within the recipient,
through the practitioner. For example, the energies involved in Reiki
are generally more “earthy”, whilst the vibrations invoked by
Pellowah are “lighter & finer”. Working principally on the mind &
spirit rather than the body; Pellowah imbues a shift within the
recipient’s framework, helping heal and alleviate buried, past or
present conditions. Individuals that have undergone a Pellowah
healing session have varying accounts of feelings and insights on their
experience; including but not limited to visionary dreaming states,
conscious thoughts and deep sleeping. However, the universal
affection is the feeling of having been pulled apart and pieced
together again, with a regenerative & energetic spirit emanating
from their centre.
Developed to help Reiki masters in their spiritual journey, Pellowah
has now become a healing practice on its own or it can also be used in
support of Acupuncture and Crystal Healing. At this current point in
time, it is relatively unknown in Europe, as it is still a budding
practice in Australia itself.
Like all the spiritual and energy practices that have come before it,
Pellowah has been a profound influence on my physical,
physiological & spiritual wellbeing. My hope is to bring this
revolutionary technique to those interested in expanding their own
possibilities & overcoming their inner trauma to bring forth peace &
enlightenment in their lives.
This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for
It also unblocks and realigns all meridians within the body, giving a
feeling of connection and well-being. As the name suggests, it also
results in a radical shift in consciousness. When operating with the
Pellowah energy, a practitioner works on the auric field, enabling the
meridians and centers to realign therefore opening the possibility to
growth and change.
In most forms of healing, subsequent results of the change and
growth can be cathartic as old frameworks are broken down to
create new ones. This is not the case with Pellowah. The growth and
change brought about by Pellowah can help a person build on their
old frameworks without the trauma. Through this form of healing
the client becomes less involved in other people’s lives.
They have a new perspective, therefore making better choices.
Pellowah expands consciousness, helping them to become more
objective. The shift with Pellowah happens from the inside out as
Pellowah activates you so you generate or rediscover the light from
This is an energetic technique which can be used to heal plants, pets
and one another from both near and distance (absent healing).
Although a Pellowah treatment is totally client focussed, this means
the practitioner doesn't receive any particular benefit from Pellowah
itself, the healing, for the practitioner to be, happens during the
course due to the type of work with meditations, symbols and the
deep attunements (Activations) that take place between the 2 days.
So regardless if you are looking to become a pratitioner or you are
simply looking forward to expanding your consciousness and be
realigned with your higher self in order to complete the mission you
have set for yourself in this life experience come and join us in this
phenomenal, fun and enriching experience!
Course details:
Saturday 30th September at 10:00 to 17:00 (Level 1) - First
attunment/activation which allows you the possibility to become a
Pellowah Practitioner!
Sunday 1st October at 10:00 to 17:00 (Level 2) - Second
attunment/activation which expands Consciousness/Spiritual
Wisdom collaborating with Symbols & Meditations.
Investment: Level 1 & 2 = €375
Early Bird offers – 325 euros if pay in full by the end of July.
350 Euros if you pay 150,00 Euros deposit by the end of July.
Included with the course:
- Diploma & registration as a Pellowah Practitioner
- Workshop manual for Level 1 & 2
- Post course: 21 Day E-course exercise & practice
Light refreshments will be provided - Please bring your own vegetarian lunch.
For more details do not hesitate to contact us by email
[email protected] or phone Giampietro +44 7848 293224.
Please visit our website for more information.
Or contact Sharon Sands at [email protected] or
Do not miss this occasion to expand your consciousness and to be
able to contribute positively and effectively to other people's life
Please feel free to forward this event to any friends whom this might
be beneficial for.
What is the Pellowah Healing Technique ©
The Purpose of Pellowah is to help you achieve your highest potential. Pellowah empowers you and increases your personal capacity for positive change. The name Pellowah is angelic for Radical Shift in Consciousness. Although this is an Angelic word, it is not healing from the Angelic Kingdom. This healing is from the highest level of Spirit that we can access at this time. It is the purest energy, the ultimate light.
The Australian spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an founded Pellowah. She was directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions to channel this healing technique, and give it the name Pellowah. Pellowah is 100% pure, and is not filtered through the practitioner. It is direct energy between the person receiving the healing and spirit. There is no interpretation or diagnosis from the practitioner – it is simple, yet powerful. The practitioner has received the Pellowah energy attunements that allow him or her to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the receiving person.
This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA, unblocks and realigns the meridians within the body – producing a stronger connection to the Divine and a greater sense of wellbeing.
Each strand of DNA stores a particular string of knowledge and as we evolve and learn to activate these strands, we can access the new information. This helps us to see things in a new way and begin to interact with the world differently. Imagine that a human being is like a huge house and that the house has 12 rooms. In the beginning when it is still under construction, only two rooms are wired for electricity. This allows only the most basic needs to be met.
Over time, you outgrow the two rooms that have been available to you and you need an electrician to wire up the whole house. Pellowah is the electrician that wires up all 12 rooms for you. This is the connection of the 12 strands of DNA. Once the rooms are connected to the electricity, it is up to you to find a way to switch on the lights, which will show you what is in each room. This process is the activation of the DNA. There are many ways to find the light switches, Pellowah is but one of them. Eventually through your own efforts, all lights will be on and you will have access to everything in the house. From that point on nothing is hidden and you have unlimited potential.
Additional Benefits
Pellowah has arrived for the purpose of enlightenment, the healing effects are a wonderful by-product of the “shift in consciousness”. Because Pellowah creates a radical shift in consciousness, one can experience a new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life.
In addition, you may experience the following benefits. These of course vary from person to person and session to session.
You will lie on a massage table fully clothed for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. The practitioner moves her/his hands above your body holding the space for the Pellowah Energy. The energy works on all levels going to where it is most needed. When your treatment is complete, the practitioner will tap you on the shoulder and you may rest on the table for as long as you need too.
Following the treatment, it is important to drink lots of water over the next 24 hours as this helps facilitate the healing.
Your Pellowah treatment continues to work in your system for 24 hours at the same capacity. Therefore, to receive the best results it is advisable to:
The Purpose of Pellowah is to help you achieve your highest potential. Pellowah empowers you and increases your personal capacity for positive change. The name Pellowah is angelic for Radical Shift in Consciousness. Although this is an Angelic word, it is not healing from the Angelic Kingdom. This healing is from the highest level of Spirit that we can access at this time. It is the purest energy, the ultimate light.
The Australian spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an founded Pellowah. She was directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions to channel this healing technique, and give it the name Pellowah. Pellowah is 100% pure, and is not filtered through the practitioner. It is direct energy between the person receiving the healing and spirit. There is no interpretation or diagnosis from the practitioner – it is simple, yet powerful. The practitioner has received the Pellowah energy attunements that allow him or her to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the receiving person.
This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA, unblocks and realigns the meridians within the body – producing a stronger connection to the Divine and a greater sense of wellbeing.
Each strand of DNA stores a particular string of knowledge and as we evolve and learn to activate these strands, we can access the new information. This helps us to see things in a new way and begin to interact with the world differently. Imagine that a human being is like a huge house and that the house has 12 rooms. In the beginning when it is still under construction, only two rooms are wired for electricity. This allows only the most basic needs to be met.
Over time, you outgrow the two rooms that have been available to you and you need an electrician to wire up the whole house. Pellowah is the electrician that wires up all 12 rooms for you. This is the connection of the 12 strands of DNA. Once the rooms are connected to the electricity, it is up to you to find a way to switch on the lights, which will show you what is in each room. This process is the activation of the DNA. There are many ways to find the light switches, Pellowah is but one of them. Eventually through your own efforts, all lights will be on and you will have access to everything in the house. From that point on nothing is hidden and you have unlimited potential.
Additional Benefits
Pellowah has arrived for the purpose of enlightenment, the healing effects are a wonderful by-product of the “shift in consciousness”. Because Pellowah creates a radical shift in consciousness, one can experience a new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life.
In addition, you may experience the following benefits. These of course vary from person to person and session to session.
- Increases your personal capacity for positive change
- Empowers you to take charge of your life
- Generates new & expanded perspectives
- Helps you attain a new lightness & sense of well-being that keeps increasing over time
- Creates a stronger connection to Source
- Removes blocks enabling clearer guidance
- Increases your intuition
- Realigns the meridians within the body
- Connects all 12 strands of DNA
- Helps you activate your newly connected DNA
- Calms the emotions
- Clears the mind and brings about a greater feeling of inner peace
- Increases inner strength and inner confidence
- Helps with overcoming the road blocks of fear, self-doubt, anxiety and depression
You will lie on a massage table fully clothed for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. The practitioner moves her/his hands above your body holding the space for the Pellowah Energy. The energy works on all levels going to where it is most needed. When your treatment is complete, the practitioner will tap you on the shoulder and you may rest on the table for as long as you need too.
Following the treatment, it is important to drink lots of water over the next 24 hours as this helps facilitate the healing.
Your Pellowah treatment continues to work in your system for 24 hours at the same capacity. Therefore, to receive the best results it is advisable to:
- Abstain from giving or receiving any other forms of healing for 24 hours
- Abstain from all alcohol or illicit drugs for 24 hours. (Prescribed medication may of course be taken during this time)